Coming Soon! 2025-2026 Tuition Rates will be out soon. For more information about tuition, please contact Erin Sundrup at 712-792-3313 or
Did you know that 66% of Kuemper students receive tuition assistance? The average amount of assistance per student is $1,207
Kuemper's Scrip Program
When you purchase scrip money, you are purchasing gift cards from Kuemper. A portion of your purchase made with the gift cards goes towards your child’s tuition and a portion goes to Kuemper. You can now use Scrip to pay for 3-Year-Old Preschool, KuemperCares, and school lunch! There is no extra money spent, just money earned! Contact Sarah Muhlbauer for more information at 712-792-3313 or [email protected].
Tax Credits
You may be eligible to receive tax credits each year for the tuition you pay. Contact your tax professional for more information
Tuition and fees are prorated for students who transfer into Kuemper during the school year. If a student must leave Kuemper due to a family job transfer, unused prorated tuition will be refunded. For any other reason, tuition will be required for the current full semester.